Friday, July 2, 2010

Bone Specimens

Total Etsy impulse by from the other day. Aren't they just the cutest things you have ever seen!? They are even more itsy bitsy than I had imagined! The little jaw bone blows my mind. I put the tiny vertebrae next to my large horse vertebrae to show just how tiny they are. So many fun things to be made with these babies!

I thought the packaging was pretty exquisite too! They came in a little box wrapped in white tulle. You can get your own itsy bitsy bones here.


  1. Woha, they're so tiny! I found a sheep skull in the forest the other day, and it made me think of you and your blog. I still have to clean the thing out, I have found other skulls before and have attempted to clean them, but they don't look as clean and neat as the bones you've got here..
    I've been wanting to do crafts with some of the bones I've found, and did a bit of test drilling and sawing in some, but oh-my-god, the smell :s I will have to look more into how to deal with bones professionally! Have you got any tips?

  2. So cute! I love little things like this. We have this great store in NYC called Evolution, which has all kinds of great stuff like this. I can't get out of there without spending way too much money.

    You can see some pics I took of the store here and go take a look at their website!

  3. @EVA- What a great find, Eva! So jealous of your skulls your are finding! There are lots of ways to clean up skulls...depends what stage they are at. They sell these beetles on ebay you can use to eat the meat off. Also I have read...haven't tried yet, but boiling them (do it outside though of you can ...everyone says it stinks!) For a pretty clean but stinky skull you can put it in a bag covered in salt for a couple of days then put it in some diluted bleach for a day. I do that with stinky things I find...sometimes too I put stinky things in a baking soda bath for a few days and they come out smelling better, doesnt work with everything though.

  4. @Janet Thanks for sharing Evolution, Janet! I am going to have to check it out next time I am in NYC! Totally up my alley!

  5. SO COOL!!! This is totally appealing to the almost bio major in me... :)


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