My grandfather was the kindest man I knew. He also had a passion for wood working. Both of these qualities always impressed me and made me treasure him. He always told stories that included a "oh, boy!" and excited arm swing with a huge smile on his face!
It wasn't until after he passed away in February at 96 I realized he gave me the best gift anyone has ever given me--- the hands of a creator and artist.
He worked for Kaplan Furniture in Cambridge Massachusetts making Beacon Hill style furniture and then he worked at Harvard University doing the school's fine woodwork and cabinetry. For a brief period the furniture factory he worked at was closed down to build gliders for WWII. He was so proud of those jobs and what he had made while working there. He even made all his own furniture in his home. Everything in the picture above he made, even the walls of his home!
I was only 5 years old when I learned just exactly what my grandfather's hand were capable of. He flew all the way out to California to build me a doll house from scratch, including all the tiny furniture inside! He infected me with the bug of creating from that day on. I am so thankful I got to know him for so long.
To see more of his furniture check out this virtual copy of the book my cousin made for my grandfather featuring his work.

{Update: See my Grampie's Clock in my Home}
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